Wednesday, April 2, 2014

How do you get dressed?

I'm just curious how the rest of y'all do it? I found out recently that some people have a method. Me, I'm totally random. Some days I start with the shoes, other's it's the shirt and so on. It goes a little something like this...
"Hm, what am I going to be doing today? Working a few hours (I'd like to be working more but there's just not enough work to do right now) and then maybe run a few errand. Ok, what kind of errands? If I have to go to Walmart for anything I'm not wearing heals no matter what!!! If I don't have to go to Walmart I can wear heals. Ok so heals it is but which ones? Well let's see, what shirt do I feel like wearing? Hm, been dying to wear that neon orange one with the pink embroidery. Ya, I'm not tan and I will look lost in that - next! Ok black. No, I was thinking dark jeans and I don't like too much dark. Ok freaking A a plain-ass white shirt it is. Gotta give this outfit some pop somewhere. Back to the shoes. Ooh those floral hot pink wedges would do the trick. Well, it's cloudy out and we're expecting some rain. Bright shoes don't go with rain. I don't know why but they just don't ok! Ooh I like these cream wedges. Shit, back to the drawing board on shirts. I can't wear cream and white together. Sometimes it works but in this case, nope!"
And that's how I arrive at my outfit for the day.  Now for the earrings...

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